Music from HSE Drama Productions
Did you hear a song at a show and can’t quite figure out what it is? Are you a current drama person looking for “that one song” that Mr. M. used for a particular show? Look no further than this page! Playlists of music plots for select shows can be found here for both Apple Music and Spotify listeners. Enjoy!
Where There’s a Will (2024)The official playlist of the music plot for HSE HS Thespian Troupe 520’s world premiere of Where There’s a Will by Ethan Mathias.
All of the songs from the show, including a special “bonus” track at the end. We can call it “Thespian Unicorn’s Version” of the playlist then) …
During the writing process, the playwright reportedly listened to a lot of Cory Wong music among others. So we thought it might be appropriate for some of the music cues in the show. Hat tip to Mr. M. for using the GarageBand Cory Wong Producer Pack to create our Needlepoint Manor themes. PLUS! Where There’s a Will Pre-showAs part of the character development and exploration process during rehearsals, actors were charged with finding a song that they thought best represented, captured, or connected to the character they played. Can you guess which track belongs to which character?
Apple Music | Spotify |
This Random World (2023)The official playlist of the music heard in HSE Drama’s 2023 production This Random World.
If you’ve listened to the 2018 music plot, you might hear a couple duplicate tracks, but just like the production, the 2023 version of this great show is one that’s all its own. |
ProvenanceThe official playlist of the music heard during the academic world premiere of Provenance.
BONUS: Provenance Pre-show!Curated by our very own, very iconic Miss Stroup, here are the songs audiences heard entering the theater itself.
She Kills MonstersA comprehensive collection of the many songs (and parts of songs) heard before, during, and after HSE Drama’s 2021 fall production of She Kills Monsters by Qui Nguyen. (Caution: Contains some explicit lyrics)
SOUNDCLOUD BONUS: “Introduction of the Party” - Original music composed to underscore Tilly's introduction of the rest of the party and their demonstration of being badasses.
Class of 2021A mix of tunes from the HSE Drama productions that included the class of 2021: Twelve Angry Jurors, The Little Mermaid, Done to Death, Mamma Mia!, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, Almost Maine, Annie, CWoWSar, Little Women & Freaky Friday …
Little WomenHighlights from the music plot for the 2021 HSE Thespian Show, Little Women.
SOUNDCLOUD BONUS: Funeral Sequence Finale (“The Battle Hymn of the Republic”)
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Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)Here’s a collection of tunes heard before and during the 2020 fall play, The Complete Works of Williams Shakespeare [Abridged].
SOUNDCLOUD BONUS: The Shakespeare/ABBA classic, “Othello (Fernando)” Instrumental Track
Almost, MaineThe music plot for HSE Drama Club’s 2019 production of Almost, Maine.